Welcome, Cowboy

It's Sunday morning. You woke up early. After eating toast and drinking orange juice, you turn on your computer, listening to the sounds of the hard drive spinning and the static of the monitor as it powers up. You're home.

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Here, you will find loads of rambles about how we should "go back to the way we were", but without the racism, sexism, conservatism and all that. I'm fully aware that I am nostalgic of things I never lived (Oh, how I miss the USSR), but come on, a huge part of my generation is too. You will also find some challenges I do from time to time, and a library with the names for all the books I read/am reading.

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Site log

Ago 12, 2024 - Added the first enties to the blog/diary.

Ago 01, 2024 - Added about me page.

Jul 30, 2024 - Updated the layout of the site.

Jul 08, 2024 - I created this website, using an old 90's book to learn the basics on how to code on HTML.

Hammer and Sickle Aren't We All Under Construction? Hammer and Sickle